Thursday, February 11, 2010
Received card #42
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Received card #41

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Received card #40
Monica is a Terry Pratchett fan like me, and her favorite of his books is Good Omens, which he cowrote with Neil Gaiman. I agree, I really can't recommend that book enough. :-)
The card was sent on January 9th, it traveled 6,905 kilometers in nine days to reach me on January 18th.

Monday, February 8, 2010
The Art of the Postcard
Since Cornelius apparently is known for its blueberries, I decided to send my trusty berry card. I sent it ... on the 12th of November, I think.

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Received card #39
David (who's #2 in the UK!) also told me about a film made in Felixstowe - some friends of his made it, it was called The Lost Sock and was about aliens landing on the pier. :-D I think I'd like to see that film ... ;-)
The card was sent on January 13th and reached me in only three days, after traveling 1,060 kilometers.

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Received card #38

Friday, February 5, 2010
Sent card #46
Tanja is interested in seeing things that are special to the sender's city or country, so I thought she would like this card.

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Received card #37
This card was sent on January 7th, and traveled 918 kilometers in seven days to arrive in my mailbox on January 14th.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Received card #36
This card was a freebie that Pirjo had picked up at a postcard convention. Ooh, a postcard convention ... !! I haven't ever heard of one of those in this country. Those Finns, they really have it going on. Now it's my dream to go to a postcard convention one day. :-)
Pirjo was a little worried that I might mind getting a free card, but I don't ... I don't care whether a card has been bought in a store or picked up for free or made by hand ... as long as it's something that the sender thinks I will appreciate, or something that is important to that person, then I'll be happy with that card. And this card was really pretty too. :-) It's actually kind of fun, because in August when I was at my family's cabin in the mountains, I took lots of photos of mushrooms - for some reason I was really into photographing mushrooms just then. It really slowed us down on hikes. :-D So now I have a lot of mushroom shots that are just lying around. Maybe I should make some postcards with them?? :-)
This card was sent on January 9th. It traveled 779 kilometers in five days to arrive on January 14th.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Received card #35
The card was unusual in that it's printed on slightly textured paper. A first for me. :-) The picture shows some beautiful colorful sunflowers which were very cheerful in a wintry dark & cold Oslo. :-)
The sender, who calls herself DennyDuck, wrote that she was planning to move to Norway a while back, but then got into nursing school in Finland, so she stayed there. But she was planning to move here. It's a small world. :-)
The card was sent on January 11th, or maybe the 10th, and it covered its 783 kilometer journey in two, or maybe three, days :-) to arrive in my mailbox on January 13th.

Monday, February 1, 2010
Received card #34
The card was sent on January 6th and it traveled 997 kilometers in six days, to brighten my afternoon on January 12th. :-)

Sunday, January 31, 2010
Received card #33
This unusual and really neat card was sent by Corinne on January 7th. It had 1,217 kilometers to travel, and it covered the distance in only four days to arrive on January 11th.

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sent card #45
Laura is interested in various things to do with art and culture and folklore and traditional crafts ... that set me to thinking and I dug this card out of my stash. It seemed to be perfect for Laura. :-)

I sent the card on January 11th, it had 914 kilometers to travel and arrived after seven days, on January 18th. Laura liked it a lot, so yay. :-)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Sent card #44
Glenda is a pretty new Postcrosser and hadn't gotten a lot of cards at the time, so I was happy to send to her. She doesn't have a lot of information on her profile though - nothing listed by way of likes and/or dislikes - so I decided to send her this flower card. I figured that that couldn't possibly offend anyone. :-)

Here's a fun coinkydink: A while back I got this great card from Belarus. Check this out - Glenda got another card in the exact same series from a totally different person in Belarus on the same day she got my card. :-D It's a small world after all ... !! :-D
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Swap #11

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sent card #43

V. cool when this card arrived - it was my 40th card registered as received, and after this I can have 7 cards traveling at once. Yay. :-)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Swap #10

Monday, January 25, 2010
Received card #32
Tanja sent a typical tourist card with a nice view from the harbor, which again was very nice since I've never been there myself. But my friend I guess has probably seen this very view. :-) She - ie Tanja :-) - wrote that Turku is the oldest town in Finland, founded about 800 years ago.
The card was sent on December 30th and arrived in six days, on January 5th, after a journey of 640 kilometers.

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sent card #42
The card shows a painting called Chrysanthemum by the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian.
I sent the card on January 5th. It had 6,219 kilometers to travel and arrived after 15 days, on January 20th.

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Received card #31
Natalia from Minsk chose the card for me because I like wild animals and nature. Good call. :-) She sent the card on December 30th and it traveled 1,216 kilometers in five days to reach me on January 4th.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Swap #9

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Sent card #41

I sent the card on January 2nd. It had 1,649 kilometers to travel, and took 34 days to arrive on February 5th. When it did, Alexander said it was perfect. Yay!! :-)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Received card #30
Anyway, I was happy to get a Swedish card, that's the point I'm getting at. Emma's profile I'd actually looked at before, and - seriously - thought that at one point I may well get a card from her. She is the #1 Postcrosser in Sweden. And yeah, I was right, here's the proof. :-)
This fun Christmas card was sent from Tumba at Christmas :-) and arrived on New Year's. It had traveled 406 kilometers ... a new record for me, the shortest distance any of my received cards has traveled. :-)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sent card #40
I sent the card on New Year's Eve and it had 1,351 kilometers to travel, a distance it covered in five days to arrive in Vienna on January 5th.

Monday, January 18, 2010
Received card #29
The card was sent on ... the postmark says December 27th, but it was written on the 24th, and of course there are some holidays in between there, so it's hard to say when it was mailed exactly. :-) But it arrived in my mailbox on December 29th, having traveled 931 kilometers.

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Received card #28
This card was sent on December 21st, and it covered 1,187 kilometers in eight days to arrive on December 29th.

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Sent card #39
Beata likes nature and wants to see something interesting and perhaps not well known about the sender's country, so I picked this card with a view of Rondane national park. My own shot. Rondane is the oldest national park in Norway and very famous here, but I don't think it's very well known in Lithuania. ;-)
I sent the card on December 29th. It had 1,046 kilometers to travel and took a fortnight to cover that distance to arrive on January 12th. It was the first Postcrossing card Beata had received, so yay. :-)

Friday, January 15, 2010
A plethora of postcards

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Sent card #38
I sent the card on December 28th. It traveled 2,516 kilometers in one week to arrive on January 4th.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Sent card #37
I mailed this card off on December 28th. It had 789 kilometers to travel, which distance it covered in only three days to arrive on December 30th. Impressive! :-)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Postcards for Christmas
The full color card is from my best friend and shows the building in which our constitution - the second oldest constitution in the world that is still in use - was drafted and signed. My best friend lives almost in the neighborhood. :-) The black and white ones are from my American friend Vickie Holt in Roanoke, Virginia ... they show various moments from the history of Roanoke, from the period 1890 through 1942. How cool is that. :-)

Monday, January 11, 2010
Sent card #36
This card was bought at Tronsmo, the best bookstore in Oslo ... and, according to Neil Gaiman, one of the best in the whole world. :-)
I sent the card on December 23rd. It had 8,704 kilometers to travel, and arrived on January 8th, after 16 days. Kai-Jen liked it a lot. :-)

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sent card #35
I sent Loes one of my own creations from I hoped she'd like it. :-)
I sent the card on December 22nd. It had 805 kilometers to travel and took a long time to get there - 16 days! It arrived on January 6th. But I guess the Christmas rush may have played a part there. :-)

Saturday, January 9, 2010
DIY postcards and more

... some of their MiniCards, which are about half the size of standard business cards and can be printed with the photo or artwork of your choice on one side, and with whatever text you want on the other. They come in packs of 100, and I uploaded 49 photos, so I got two of each design + a couple of extras. :-) On the text side (which of course you have the option of leaving blank) I put the urls for my main blog, my Youtube channel, my photostream on Flickr and a couple more places. :-) Adorable MiniCards ... !
... that come in a box for easy storage. And I bought a holder to carry them in, too. V. handy. ;-)
And finally of course I couldn't resist their Mosaic Frame, which lets you create art *cough* out of your MiniCards. It's just too cool. I had to have it. :-)
I ordered all of this on November 30th, and my order arrived in two packages, on December 15th and 16th. Pretty good in the Christmas rush. :-)
And just to make it absolutely clear, I totally love all my new stuff and am genuinely impressed with the quality this company delivers. I recommend them strongly to anyone considering purchasing this kind of product.